Mini Golf
$5 per 18 holes.
No headshots, you will be called out!
No kicking balls.
You are out if you are hit by a live ball, throw a live ball that is caught by an oppposing player, cross or touch the orange center line, or throw a headshot.
Once the ball hits anything it is considered a "dead" ball. Exception: if the ball hits a person and another person catches it, the person the ball first hit is NOT out. The person throwing the ball is OUT. You may deflect a ball being thrown at you by using a ball in your hands. If it knocks the ball out of your hands then you are OUT!
No holding a ball for longer than 10 seconds.
Once out you cannot re-enter until the next game begins. If you are not playing or you get out, you must stand on the walkway outside of the court.
No rough housing, cursing, wrestling, or poor sportsmanship. If so you will be out for the rest of the game.
Rules are subject to change for your safety Flippin' Family Fun's discretion.
What the referee says is final! Have fun!